Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wednesday, May 14

"love is not love until we give it away..."
If anything, dear friends, let us be wide open and liberal concerning the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If we err, let us err on the side of spilling too much love, of pouring out too much hope. Yes, there is great hope---hope in the face of all that seems so difficult in this world!

What stands between us and Chrit's love? Is it a mountain of thick obstacles? Where there is faith, there is hope...Is it sinfulness..? Ask for forgiveness and it shall be done! Ask for everything in His Holy Name and prepare for a mighty catch.

Yes, what have we to lose? Fear, insecurity, anger, lust, addictive personality, addictive substances...? Let me tell you even these 'factors' cannot keep us apart from the love that Jesus Christ is pouring freely in His Light and Life. His Life is flowing all around and through us, His light is your vision as you lift up your gaze to the wonder of beauty and share in the love of green forests and mighty oceans.

Acceptance, dear friends, let us accept that this world is exactly as it is though we cannot fathom all of its depth and intricacy. Evenso, our acceptance is rich and overflows when we love all of the created cosmos, for in this act we trust that there is One in Whom all things consist. We trust that there is an underlying harmony despite the apparent racket and screeching of city sirens, beyond the heavy metal thumping and helicopters.

A busy world toils day and night striving to complete its agendas. We keep watchful vigil in prayer, staying focused upon the prize unequalled, the prize prepared for each of us from all of eternity, the prize of eternal life and the Kingdom of Heaven, prepared before the foundation of this world!

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